Chipotle Breakfast


Hello folks, and welcome to another round of DAM Good Cooking.  Many of you struggle with what to do with left overs, I think that’s my expertise.  Its too easy to just warm it back up, and just like ‘Ground hogs day’, have exactly what you had the day before.  That’s boring, and takes the fun out of it.

Last week we showed you how to make your very own Chipotle Sauce, we also showed you how to turn that left over bar-b-que into a tasty Chipotle Mexican restaurant meal.  So what do you do with all the extra sauce?  How about a Chipotle Breakfast plate!

FYI, this would have been a Chipotle Breakfast bowl, but I broke all the darn bowls when we move into this new house =(  Whomp whomp whomp!

So you get the idea, make some eggs, bacon, sausage.  Get some of the extra wraps you have left over from your Chipotle Burrito meal, and spread the sauce across once everything is cooked and added to the wrap!  YUM!

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