Italian Baked Chicken!

Hey guys, it is Michelle and today I have a delicious Italian Baked Chicken recipe. This is going to be another easy recipe to make when you are running out of time but still want to eat healthy.

Lets get started:

Chop up some red onion, green peppers and red peppers! Add some olive oil to a baking dish and place the vegetables inside it.

Italian Baked Chicken

Next lay your skinless boneless chicken on top of the vegetables.

Italian Baked Chicken 2

Add some carrots and yellow squash.

Italian Baked Chicken 3

Throw some broccoli and red potatoes into the pan.

Italian Baked Chicken 4

Add a packet of Zesty Italian Dressing Mix:

Italian Baked Chicken 5

Melt a sticker of butter and pour it all over the vegetables, potatoes and chicken:

Italian Baked Chicken 6

Italian Baked Chicken 7

Cover all those goodies with some foil and place them in the oven at 350 degrees for one hour!

Italian Baked Chicken 8

And now it is time to eat. ENJOY

Italian Baked Chicken 9[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Italian Baked Chicken! – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]

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