Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Hello and welcome back to http://DAMGoodCooking.com , today I’m going to share with you my very own secret Chicken noodle soup recipe for when you or a loved one is feeling a little bit under the weather.  Actually it’s not a secret, this is really the first time I ever made soup without simply opening up a can that just needs to be heated.

My wife was feeling a bit ill yesterday, so she asked if I could make her some soup for dinner – and took this can of Chunky’s  out the cabinet.


Not happening!  If the wife is sick, I need to do something about it and zoomed off to the grocery store.  She’s having DAM Good Soup instead tonight!

Here’s what I picked up!




Chicken Broth

Pre-packed Broccoli, carrots and snow peas (She loves snow peas)




Seasoning salt (we always use Adobo to season just about everything)

And the most important thing, chicken.  See I forgot the boneless chicken chunks, so I had to hurry and thaw out some chicken thighs from the freezer that I will chop up. =(


Start by cutting up your vegetable’s,  if you were not able to find the pre-packed version I have above, you’re just adding on about another 5 minutes of prep time to the recipe (No biggie).  I added on about 15  minute’s because I forgot the chicken, my wife heard the microwave going as I’m trying to thaw out the chicken “Honey whats that?” Nothing baby cakes!…. (Who forgets the chicken in chicken noodle soup?)

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Ok this one is random buy a great FYI..  My wife picked this up from a store called Michaels for a few bucks.  It keeps your cut vegetables and fruit fresh for extremely long periods of times.  Great investment!


Now that everything is ready, get two pots on the stove.  One with about 3 cups of water for your 1 cup of noodles you will be adding (get this pot to a boil before dropping your noodles).  While its heating up, get your box of broth into the other pot an add 1 teaspoon of butter, the chicken and your preferred seasoning amount.  I cooked this on medium / low with the lid on for about 10 minutes.  Also during this 10 minutes (Maybe around the 8 minute mark) drop your noodles into the boiling pot of water.


After 10 minutes drop your vegetables and let it cook for about 5 more minutes before adding the drained noodles to the mixture.  I know the photos below does not show the noodles drained…Do not pour that pot into the soup, it will be horrible, I’m speaking to my fresh out of high-school crowds who got that first place and hand-me-down pots and pans.  You need to get a strainer to drain the noodles before adding to the soup.  Now that I think about it, at that age I didn’t know what a strainer was, just get a plate, hover it on top of the noodles and tilt slowly over your sink and allow it to drain out =)

After adding the noodles, continue to stir for another 5 minutes on low and serve hot!

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Now I’m going to let you in on a secret; as I said in the beginning, I never made soup before, so I started off with an entire box of chicken broth, when I added everything to the pot it was so much broth I thought (when I  share these photos on DAM Good Cooking, this might look like DAM Bad Cooking), so I secretly dumped half the broth out in the sink before snapping the photo above.

Here’s the kicker, my wife grabbed a bowl, her eyes lit up, she said it was delicious.  This of course made me happy.  After about 10 minutes, she went back for seconds –  this made me extremely happy!  I DID IT!

After we watched a show, and in the process of taking the dishes to the sink and putting everything away so that we could take Toni (our Yorkie) out.  I notice there was hardly any broth in the pot on the stove.  Dammit!   The noodles adsorbed it!  If i didn’t pour half the broth out it would have contained the perfect amount after sitting!  Lesson learned for future soups =)

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Since I was not sick, I had left overs from the past few days!  Can’t let great food go to waste!

Thanks for stopping by, and be sure to tell your friends and family about http://DAMGoodCooking.com




 [wpurp-searchable-recipe]Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]

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