Grilled Onions Red/Green Pepper Avocado Burgers


Hello and welcome back to – Its Monday!! TGIM!!

We have been quite busy following our new adventure with a new retail Fashion / Heels Website and a T-Shirt Store – I need more time in a day to get things done.  I have been soooooo backed up with post (Perfect example, this recipe is over 4 months old).  I have over 4 months of recipes to deliver, just trying to squeeze in the time to provide them for you.  Also we started a new product line that we are having manufactured now.  And its a kitchen item of course, something we all need 🙂

At any rate, I have a great recipe for you for the Grill.  Grilled Onions Red/Green Pepper Avocado Burgers!  YUM!!!  I must say it again…. YUM!

Here what you will need!


I must admit, even though this was months back, I remember I was extremely tired this day, but wanted to grill anyway.  Hell I’d grill everyday, 3 times a day (Breakfast, lunch and dinner) if my wife allowed it 🙂  Its just something about standing over the grill that’s therapeutic, I can’t explain it.  At any rate, I broke out the cheap lazy man food processor.  Chop chop chop!





I must admit, even though this was months back, I remember I was extremely tired this day, but wanted to grill anyway.  Hell I’d grill everyday, 3 times a day (Breakfast, lunch and dinner) if my wife allowed it 🙂  Its just something about standing over the grill that’s therapeutic, I can’t explain it.  At any rate, I broke out the cheap lazy man food processor.  Chop chop chop!  Peppers only!IMG_2338


Make a small hole in the center and work the goodies inside.  It didn’t really work the way my mind envisioned it, but it came together quite nicely…. Sort of!


I think this is when I had that “Why the heck is this not working right?  I can’t be that tired.


I ended up just re-mushing and making patties spreading it throughout..which seems like a better idea then a bunch of peppers just in the center.


Get your burgers on the grill, when you have about only 5 minutes left, saute the onions.


Its time to eat.


Something different, but delicious and tasty!  Share your grilled burger ideas with the DGC crew!


 [wpurp-searchable-recipe]Grilled Onions Red/Green Pepper Avocado Burgers – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]

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