Puppy Tummy not Feeling Well? We got the Perfect Recipe!

Hello and welcome back to http://DAMGoodcooking.com

Here we have something a bit different for DGC.  The other day our little Toni’s tummy was not feeling to well.  she must have gotten a hold of something that fell on the floor that she was not suppose to eat.  Her tummy was making these awful sounds and she just seems as if she could not get comfortable.  We took her outside and she gave us the notice immediately that she was not feeling well by eating the grass instead of peeing and pooping on it.  When your dog eats grass its because of two reasons.  1. Some dogs eat it because they enjoy the blades scratching their throats, it kind of soothes it.  2.  The main reason – they are not feeling well!

We decided to make her a delicious hamburger & brown rice meal to settle the tummy and get her back to normal.

Here’s the quick, easy, simple doggie Tummy fix recipe!

Warm up a skillet and constantly break down the burger with the spatula until its in very tiny pieces.   DO NOT SEASON YOUR DOGGIES FOOD, you will make them sicker and have a very expensive vet bill.



While the burger is browning, toss a cup of rice in the Rice cooker and get that going.


Be sure the burger is turning a dark brown before removing from the skillet.  I normally cook it for about 15 to 20 minutes on medium low.


Remove the hamburger and get it to the sink to drain those nasty greases.  I also coat the top with napkins to absorb any remaining oils from the meat.



Since Toni only weights 10 lbs, I added 3 table spoons on hamburger and 3 table spoons of rice to her bowl and mixed well.


Let is sit for a few minutes to cool off before serving.


Her tummy stopped making noises almost instantly after she ate.  We took her back outside to be safe, and the good thing is – she stopped eating the grass.  Her little tail wagging, barking at people in the park, and back to normal.


On a side note

Brown and white rice both come from the same plant, white rice is removed bran and germ but brown rice keep them, so brown rice retains most of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Brown rice is cheaper than other dog food, so including moderate portions of brown rice in your dog’s diet can help reduce the total cost of dog food.



Store the remaining food in containers, keep refrigerated and server later.  We made sure Toni had this at least twice a day for the next few days to keep the tummy up to par!



 [wpurp-searchable-recipe]Puppy Tummy not Feeling Well? We got the Perfect Recipe! – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]

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