Looking for something new to Grill? We got you covered!


Hello and welcome back to DAMGoodCooking.com

We had to disable the feature which allowed anyone to upload to DGC, some peeps were being naughty and stealing post from other website (we had to put them on time out and stick em in the corner).  Feel free to upload using the ‘Submit Recipe’ tool where we have more control!

At any rate, if you grill the way we do, sometimes even 3 times a week – grilling the same thing gets old quick!   This is why we look for new recipes; instead of a major dish, we are going to focus on a nice delicious side dish instead.  I call it “DAM Good Way to make Potatoes”

Here’s what you will need!


Green Onions

Red Onions (Does anyone know why purple onions are label “Red”?  Must have been color blind!)

Green Pepper

Red Pepper


Olive Oil


Next we chopped up two potatoes – One for me and Wifey!


Be sure to apply your favorite seasonings.  I frown when I visit certain blogs and they tell you to use pepper, Cummings, sprinkle 78 pieces of salt and blah blah blah.  Use what you like, get creative, you may not like what I like, the goal here it to provide a new tasty dish for the grill!  But if you must know – I used Adobo (I use this on everything), salt and pepper.

Also be sure to dab a pinch of olive oil on there for flavoring, but most important, to keep it from sticking to the non-stick foil.


Make sure you wrap it up tight to prevent it from breaking open on the grill.  A tight wrap will contain the juices making this the best Potatoes you have ever had…. on the grill =)


Now get it to the Grill and be sure to flip every 20 minutes.  Total grilling time = 1 HOUR

Also if your new to DAMGoodCooking.com and interested in my foil grilling method and why I do it, be sure to check out HOW TO GRILL LIKE A BOSS


This is really making me hungry!


ENJOY!  Please tell your friends about us!


 [wpurp-searchable-recipe]Looking for something new to Grill? We got you covered! – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]

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