Loaded Grilled Baker Burger


The only disadvantage to having a large Thanksgiving turkey is….I can’t get back out on the grill for awhile due to all the leftovers!

Here’s a great recipe I came up with a few months back that turned out pretty awesome.  So Awesome I stamped our last name on it!  Loaded BAKER Burger!  Oh yeah!

Here’s what you will need.

* Hamburger

* Spinach

* Green Pepper

* Red Pepper

* Tomatoes

* Onions



Throw your red and green peppers in a food processor and chop into little pieces.  My chopper is a piece of crap I got at some discount store for 5 bucks, so I eventually have to break it down with a knife afterwards.


Next Slice up some Tomatoes, onions and avocados.  (the Avocados are not shown in the photo because I forgot to chop them up until I was done)  Having your food prep – you can eat when its fresh and hot off the grill, not having it prep makes your tummy sad!


This next part is a tad bit tricky.  Take your thumb and create a big dent in the center of your burger patty.  Load it up with the chopped up green and red peppers and fold it in half.  Now all the peppers are kind of on one side, break and keep folding and remaking the patty until its an even blend.  Its probably a better more scientific approach to prepare this, but we are doing it the Baker way today!

FYI – Now after typing this up, just make the patty with the chopped red and green peppers –  duh!




Get your burgers to the grill for 20 to 30 minutes, flipping about every 5 minutes or so.  10 minutes before your burgers are done, lightly layer a frying pan with olive oil, turned on medium and toss in your onions.   Cook until onions lightly brown and become loose.  Once completed, throw them on a few pieces of paper towel to extract the oil.


Guess what?  It’s time to throw down!

I probably have one full week left of turkey and after that its back to the grill my friends!

IMG_2348 IMG_2353[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Loaded Grilled Baker Burger – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]

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