Jared Fogle is forced to make sandwiches in prison


It sounds like the higher-ups at Federal Correctional Institution Englewood in Colorado have a twisted sense of humor. According to TMZ, disgraced Subway pitchman Jared Fogle was assigned kitchen duty for his prison job. However, it’s not just any kitchen duty, but he’s supposedly tasked with serving sandwiches at the end of the food line.

As you can imagine, the guards reportedly amused over this development. Unfortunately for Fogle, he was targeted by other inmates who felt that he was given too cushy of an assignment — that doesn’t really help with that the fact that prisoners tend to target inmates incarcerated for sex crimes, and especially sex crimes against children.

Given that Fogle was allegedly beaten up by another inmate, the former Subway spokesperson was moved from the inmates’ cafeteria to the guards’ cafeteria. However, that reportedly isn’t going over well either since the other prisoners view the move as a promotion given that the food in the employees’ cafeteria is supposedly way better.

Damn, Fogle just can’t win.

Another thing that reportedly pissed off fellow inmates is that Fogle allegedly hired other prisoners for his personal protection. The New York Post reportedthat this is what, in part, inspired 60-year-old inmate Steve Nigg to attack Fogle.

“Jared has money and you can buy inmates to protect you — that set Steve off,” Jimmy Nigg, brother of Steve, told Radar Online. “He has paid protection, he had bodyguards around him. One of them or another child molester must have been the witness [to the fight].”

Nigg also explained the punishment his brother endured for allegedly punching Fogle repeatedly and bloodying his nose.

“Steven’s been in isolation for 50 days,” said Nigg. “They can’t put him out there [in the yard], Jared is still out there. Steven lost his good time, but he said it was worth it.”

Honestly, it sounds like Fogle is the one who lost.


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