Philadelphia Pizza Shop Patrons Pays It Forward to Help Ease Homeless Hunger

pizza for homeless

If you walk into Rosa’s Fresh Pizza in Philadelphia, you can’t help but notice the walls are decorated with hundreds of Post-it notes and letters. The notes are from customers who donated $1 so homeless people in the community can come in and get a free slice.

Owner Mason Wartman started the program about one year ago after a customer asked if he could purchase a slice of pizza for a homeless person.

“I said, ‘Sure.’ I took his dollar and ran out and got some Post-it notes and put one up to signify that a slice was purchased,” he recalls.

9 months later, “Pay-it-forward Pizza” has bought over 8,400 slices of pizza for the homeless. With each $1 donated, customers have the opportunity to leave a happy message on the wall.

But some notes are left by those being helped, like this one below:

pizza for homeless

The word has spread within Philadelphia’s homeless community, and each day 30 to 40 homeless people come in asking for a free slice. Wartman says he is receiving enough daily donations that he never has to turn anyone away.


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